The Lord frequently gives us a passion for a particular area of ministry, such as for people in a specific stage of life or for those with a specific need. So rather than initially being drawn to explore ways to employ their gifts, they are drawn to a particular ministry and then explore opportunities where their gifts could be used.
Below is a list of ministry areas within our Body and through our missions partners where help is needed to accomplish the vision the Lord has given to each. If interested in a ministry area, select that ministry. You will be taken to a form showing you the service opportunities that ministry currently has and, in parentheses, the spiritual gifts we believe would be most beneficial in serving in that way. You will notice that, in many cases, multiple spiritual gifts can be deployed to address the same need.
If you have interest in multiple areas of ministry, please return to this page and select the button for each additional area of ministry to see the various ways you could serve.

Faith’s ministry to children up to 6th grade

The nursery serves children from newborn through age four
A PCA church and missional community in Fairfield, AL, devoted to growing disciples of Jesus who are confident of their true identity in Christ and are agents of hope

Faith’s ministry to children up through 6th grade
Grace House
A PCA church and missional community in Fairfield, AL, devoted to growing disciples of Jesus who are confident of their true identity in Christ and are agents of hope
Greece, Colombia, Birmingham Missions Cohort, Daughters of Bulgaria, Ukraine Publishing, Bulgaria
Grace Groups, Kingdom Communities, Women’s Ministry
Families Count is Faith’s 7-week parenting class on Sunday nights for at-risk parents
A high school and middle school ministry inviting young people to experience life as God designed it to be lived
This form lists some of our church body needs and gives opportunities for general church care. See opportunities below.
A recovery ministry guiding men and women out of the wilderness of addiction and into the garden of God’s flourishing life
Sav-A-Life Shelby
Sav-A-Life Shelby’s mission is to develop a culture of life where abortion is unnecessary and undesirable in Shelby County, Alabama while offering the hope of the gospel.
A Christ-centered inner-city school in Fairfield, AL, serving children in K5-12th grade through both classroom instruction and life-on-life discipleship

If you are interested in joining the prayer team of GriefShare or serving at one of their weekly meetings, contact Pete Jackson (205-908-6529).
Reformed University Fellowship is a PCA campus ministry dedicated to the cultivation of Christ-centered community