Ian and Darlene are serving the church in Southeast Asia, encouraging and facilitating nationally driven church-planting movements among Muslims and building partnerships between the church in America and the church in Asia. Ian pastors a congregation for the national Presbyterian church, City Discipleship Presbyterian Church Kuala Lumpur (CDPCKL). The church has a growing local Christian community in the heart of the city that is deliberately reaching out to Muslim-background peoples. Ian also serves on the board of Gospel City Network, a national church-planting network associated with City-to-City Asia Pacific. Darlene is a certified trainer with Parakaleo Asia-Pacific; she partners with regional church-planting networks in equipping pastors’ wives and coming alongside ministry-minded women with local/regional support and training in practical theology.
Ian and Darlene have four children: two adult daughters, Bernadette and Myrddin, who live in America, and two teenagers, Judah and Raewyn, who live at home.