Argyris and Dina Petrou 


Argyris and Dina Petrou are serving the Lord with AMG International in Greece. They have three sons, Mark, Erik, and Erastos. Their two older sons are married and serve in missions. Mark works in an educational center for Roma children, and Erik is a church planter in Neos Kosmos.

After his theological studies at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto and his doctoral work at Trinity Evangelical Divinity Seminary, the Lord called Argyris to teach as a missionary at the Greek Bible College, the only Bible school in Greece. He had previously had ten years of pastoral experience in Toronto and in Piraeus as an ordained minister of the Greek Evangelical Church; eight years of experience in the evangelistic and publishing work of AMG Greece; and twelve years in the leadership of the Greek Evangelical Alliance. 

Argyris is a published author through the Greek publishing house O LOGOS. 

After years of being a pastor’s wife and a mom, the Lord has called Dina to a cutting-edge ministry found at the fringes of society. After nearly ten years of ministering to women trapped in brothels in downtown Athens, she founded and now serves as the director of a ministry called Community House Damaris. This ministry provides safe housing and recovery programs to survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation. It empowers women to find freedom, to walk through their journey of healing, and to reintegrate into society.