Registration is open for our Men’s Retreat! Enjoy a weekend away April 5–7 at Camp Tanglewood in Lawrence, MS. We will welcome guest speaker Chad Bird, who wrote My Cup ...
Sign up for our annual spring cleaning of the church on Saturday morning, April 13. Help with pressure washing, cleaning, weeding, and more. Please remember to bring your own work ...
If you are interested in joining Faith or in knowing more about this church and Christianity, our membership classes begin again on April 21, 28, and May 5. We will ...
RECIPE FORM Faith is releasing a cookbook later this year to raise funds for the All Generations Campaign and to capture the life of our church in table ministry! We’re ...
Save the date for our annual Church Picnic on May 5, 2024, from 4–6 p.m. We will gather again on the Kinnebrew farm property just 5 minutes from the church ...