Faith will host a Smart Giving Workshop presented by the PCA Foundation Saturday, January 11 5-7 pm. The Smart Giving Workshop has one goal: to help you lower your tax burden in order to increase the amount of money you can give away. At this workshop, an experienced gift strategist will provide an introduction to estate planning concepts and tools, and show participants how to maximize how much they can give for Kingdom impact by employing tax efficient giving strategies. Dinner will be provided. This workshop is not a fundraiser for Faith or the PCA Foundation. The goal is to get you helpful information about how to give smarter.
We would encourage you to attend this workshop especially if you:
- Own non-cash assets such as a business, real estate or cryptocurrency
- Are experiencing elevated taxable income due to peak earning years, bonuses, inheritance, or a liquidation event
- Have wealth to give, but need the earnings on suc h wealth for life or some period of years.
- Own investment real estate or a vacation home
- Own highly appreciated stock or a large IRA
- Anticipate a final estate that significantly exceeds what they want to leave to children and other heirs

Led by Tim Townsend, PCA Foundation President, and Sheldon Nordhues, PCA Foundation Giving Strategist.
The PCA Foundation is an agency of our denomination that aims to enable Christians to give more to advance the Kingdom of Christ by giving tax efficiently. The PCAF specializes in donor-advised funds, charitable trusts, complex charitable gifts, and charitable estate planning. The PCAF is your church engaged in charitable grant making.
Here’s what you should expect at the Smart Giving Workshop:
- Focused Attention: The Smart Giving Workshop has one goal: to help you lower your tax burden in order to increase the amount of money you can give away. While it is important for Christians to consider how much we will spend on personal consumption and save for retirement, that’s not the focus of this workshop.
- No Pressure: There is no “ask” at the end of the meeting, either from Faith or the PCA Foundation. The information is presented and you are invited to follow up with someone at the Foundation if you are interested in receiving its help.
- Expert Advice: The PCA Foundation can provide professional expertise to facilitate virtually any kind of charitable gift. The PCAF staff are industry leaders in complex gifts and tax-efficient gift strategies.
- Biblical Teaching: The information will be Biblically Sound and Gospel-centered. There will be no guilt trip or bait-and-switch. The Gospel working in the hearts of God’s people motivates us to give.
The workshop will be divided into two sessions:

Session 1: Basic Estate and Gift Planning
- The true effect of the charitable deduction
- Three rules for basic Smart Giving
- Donor Advised Funds (basic)
- Public stocks, funds, and bonds
- IRA charitable rollover

Session 2: Giving Non-Cash Assets and Advanced Gift Planning
- Four rules for stewarding your giving
- Non-cash gifts (Appreciated real estate, Limited partnership and LLC interests, and
- S Corporation stock)
- Accelerated giving
- Charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts
This workshop will be helpful, even if…
- I already use a donor-advised fund. The workshop will cover tax-efficient giving strategies that could help you now or in the future. There will be no pressure to move from your current donor-advised fund sponsor. There are many options in the market, and the goal is to get you the information you need for your specific situation.
- I’m a business owner, but I have no plans to sell anytime soon. A complex gift of corporate interest can take years of planning, and having the information before you intend to sell can help in the planning process.
- I give regularly from my income; why make things more complicated? In many situations, there are relatively easy ways for you to decrease your tax burden and give more money away.
- I am retired. Even in retirement, there are still situations and opportunities where estate and tax planning could increase your ability to give.